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发布时间:2014/7/25 16:03:32  点击次数:3385

* 上海








* 避免污染和违规的处罚

* 保护公司的声誉

* 减少在新建、操作和拆除中的环境风险

* 了解环境管理的新趋势和机会


* *的环境监管框架和允许系统

* 空气排放,/废水、噪声、固体废物和特殊环境的物质的监管要求和管理技能

* 实现遵从性保证的有效方法

* 环境项目的管理

* 评估现场环境风险



Jenny Fang

Martin Linking Business Consulting Company Limited

T: +86 25 8485 5633
F: +86 25 8485 5933

Email: jenny.fang@ulinking.com




Plant Environmental Management Best Practices

Shanghai, China

18th&19th September, 2014

Martin Linking is convening the Plant Environmental Management Best Practices

on 18th&19th September, 2014 in Shanghai.


Seminar Overview:

With increasing focus on environment from Chinese government and the public, environmental management of a company goes beyond just compliance and may contribute to company reputation or result in endless responsibilities. This seminar will share with you the world-class environmental management philosophy and best practices in manufacturing plant to face the growing challenge and achieve your plant environmental excellence.


Seminar Delivery:

This 2 days seminar is designed to enable you to have in-depth understanding of relevant laws and regulations as well as the skills needed to successfully identify and manage environmental risks at your operation.


How you will benefit from the seminar?

* Avoid pollution and penalty of violation

* Protect company reputation

* Minimize environmental risk during new construction, operation and decommissioning

* Understand new trends and opportunities in environmental management


How you will learn from the seminar?

* Environmental regulatory framework and permitting system in China

* Regulatory requirements and management skills on air emission, water/wastewater, noise, solid waste and special environmental substances

* Effective ways to achieve compliance assurance

* Management of environmental programs

* Assessment of site environmental risk


For more information please contact:

Jenny Fang

Martin Linking Business Consulting Company Limited

T: +86 25 8485 5633
F: +86 25 8485 5933

Email: jenny.fang@ulinking.com

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