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Porous boardskinboard skin pack boardcardbaord pap

产品关键词:porousboar  skin board  paperboard  cardboard
  • 产品名称:Porous boardskinboard skin pack boardcardbaord pap
  • 产品编号:19
  • 产品商标:IDEAL
  • 产品规格:19
  • 参考价格:面议
  • 更新时间:2024/11/15 11:26:47
  • 点击次数:2683次

Porous boardskinboard skin pack boardcardbaord paper board skin pack  surlyn boardsuryln pack cardboard

Porous board for skin packaging

Skin packaging cardboard(Porous cardboard)

We carry a full selection of porous board for skin packaging applications, including different types and gauges for customers to choose from basing on their actual applications. Main features of our boards are as follows:
1. Superior porosity property to ensure perfect and fast skin packing via vacuum suction within 4-7 seconds on the skin packaging machine.
2. Offering strong and long-standing adhesion onto various types of skin packaging films.
3. Smooth flat surface finish allows 4-6 color high-quality high-impact printing for better visual presentation.
4. Desirable stiffness to avoid board warp after skin packaging.
5. Comparing to the common boards, no need for extra dot-line perforating or slot cutting, so as to retain the package integrity and a value-added perfect look.
6. Excellent compatibility with skin packaging adhesive/glue for easy glue coating process

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