日本阀天RD-14H减压阀详细描述: RD-14H valve is suitable for: oil, pressure 1.0Mpa following caliber range: 20-150mm Suitable temperature: 5-90 ℃ Body material: cast iron valves day Japan RD-14H is by adjusting the valve, the inlet pressure is reduced to the outlet pressure of a need, and rely on the energy of the medium itself, so that automatically maintain a stable outlet pressure valve.
RD-14H减压阀适用于:压力1.0Mpa以下的油品,口径范围:20-150mm 适用温度:5-90℃ 阀体材质为:铸铁 日本阀天RD-14H减压阀是通过调节,将进口压力减至某一需要的出口压力,并依靠介质本身的能量,使出口压力自动保持稳定的阀门。 Operation: 1, closed gate valve before the open gate valve after low pressure downstream manufacturing environment; 2, the adjusting screw counterclockwise rotation to the uppermost position (relative to the minimum outlet pressure), and then close the valve after the valve; 3. Slowly open the gate valve to fully open before; 4. Slowly turn adjustment screw clockwise, the pressure is adjusted to the desired outlet pressure (gauge pressure in the valve prevail); adjusted, the lock Nut, open the valve gate valve; 5, such as export when adjusting the pressure higher than the set pressure, must start from the first step to re-adjust, which can only tune from low to high pressure. 日本阀天RD-14H减压阀操作方式: 1、关闭减压阀前的闸阀,开启减压阀后的闸阀,制造下游低压环境; 2、将调节螺钉按逆时针旋转至*上位置(相对*低出口压力),然后关闭减压阀后闸阀; 3、慢慢开启减压阀前的闸阀至全开; 4、顺时针慢慢旋转调节螺钉,将出口压力调至所需要的压力(以阀后表压为准);调整好后,将锁紧 螺母锁紧,打开减压阀后闸阀; 5、如在调整时出口压力高于设定压力,须从*步开始重新调整,即只能从低压向高压调。