热门关键词:离心泵  分散机
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产品关键词:固体制剂前道智能化生 制药企业固体制剂前道 粉体固体前处理自动线 
  • 产品名称:固体制剂前道智能化生产系统
  • 产品编号:001
  • 产品商标:
  • 产品规格:0550
  • 参考价格:面议
  • 更新时间:2019/5/7 15:43:28
  • 点击次数:3148次



The intelligent production system for solid preparation developed by Miran is suitable for the fields of pharmaceutical, chemical, food and new energy production. It is suitable for batch production of bulk materials, reducing personnel operations, high degree of system integration automation, and realizing raw material packaging from warehouses. To the automatic operation of the whole line of process production equipment, realize automatic scanning code, automatic unpacking (out of the barrel), automatic code assignment, internal air-conditioning dust removal and disinfection, online check weight, automatic unpacking and unloading.  Maximize intelligent production, increase production efficiency, reduce personnel costs, improve production intelligent production levels, and avoid errors.

The main components of the system are: power manipulator, conveyor belt, barrel removal machine (to the outer bag machine), air shower equipment, weighing and checking equipment, automatic unpacking and feeding machine, screening machine, etc.  It can realize unified and centralized control of the entire production line, with high intelligence, effectively reducing personnel participation, reducing pollution and improving production efficiency.

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