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产品关键词:智能称配料系统 制药企业称配料系统 粉体固体前处理自动线 
  • 产品名称:智能称配料系统
  • 产品编号:0551-2
  • 产品商标:
  • 产品规格:0661
  • 参考价格:面议
  • 更新时间:2019/5/8 13:24:18
  • 点击次数:4757次



1、本系统为自动配料系统,人员仅需在电脑操作端进行远程操控,*初根据医药化工剂型设定配料配方 ,AGV转运车将根据系统设定,自动到相应物料储罐进行自动对接,人员仅需监控配料过程。



4、同步完成大料、小料的自动配料 ;


In order to improve the automation degree of the pharmaceutical industry, new energy, food and other production processes, Miran developed a fully automated weighing and batching system. The system can automatically complete the material weighing and weighing function according to the upper ERP or MES, SCADA system instructions. Through the system to move the bucket, the automatic receiving process is realized, and the system supporting platform weighing scale is used to achieve remote control, and the personnel only need auxiliary operation.  Will greatly improve production efficiency, improve accuracy, and prevent human error.

System Specification:

1. The system is an automatic batching system. The personnel only need to remotely control at the computer operation end. The formula is formulated according to the pharmaceutical chemical dosage form. The AGV transfer vehicle will automatically connect to the corresponding material storage tank according to the system setting. Only need to monitor the batching process. 

2. The system sets automatic bar code scanning and recognition, and has strengthened computer remote monitoring to realize systematic operation; 

3. Set the bucket to be automatically moved and positioned, and set a limit device on the site to ensure the smoothness of the docking; 

4. Synchronize the automatic batching of large and small materials;

5.the terminal control software, the data is automatically recorded, to achieve traceability, controllability.

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