高效能的EHS 主管
马汀令可公司将于2014年10月30-31日在上海举办高效能的EHS 主管的培训活动。
作为一名EHS 主管,你是否有过以下困惑:
*为何推行的EHS 项目都无果而终
*为何EHS 培训起不到任何效果
*为何大量的EHS 宣传但收效甚微
*如何以有限的预算去完成无限的EHS 项目
*如何在既往EHS 项目都失败地情况下去推行新的EHS 项目
*自己所掌握EHS 知识是否仍有效
*市场上的EHS 有效的工具是否真能适用于我们
如果你有以上的困惑、挣扎或是质疑,那么你需要参加本研讨会。本研讨会特别针对EHS 主管开发,浓缩了咨询师近二十年的EHS 管理和咨询经验和心得,试图通过传授一些可行简易高效的技巧, 使得你在工作中能以四两拔千金的方式去推行工作,成为一名高效能的EHS 主管。
本研讨会只适用于从事EHS 工作的人员。研讨会重点传授可行有效地“技巧”并非EHS“知识”。
*成为一名高效能的 EHS 主管
请联系 Whitney Shen 来讨论合作的可能:
电话:+86 28 8532 7678
Miya Sun
Martin Linking Business Consulting Company Limited
T: +86 25 8485 5633
F: +86 25 8485 5933
E: miya.sun@ulinking.com
High Efficient EHS Supervisor
Shanghai, China
October 30-31 2014
MARTIN LINKING is convening the High Efficient EHS Supervisor on 30-31 October 2014 in Shanghai.
Why do you need this seminar?
As an EHS supervisor, do you have the following confusions?
*Why other functions do not support your work
*Why EHS programs were fruitless
*Why EHS trainings are not effective
*Why a lot of EHS propaganda has little effect
Have you ever struggled in the following situations?
*How to work in limited time to finish infinite work
*How to use limited budget to achieve unlimited EHS program
*How to establish a good relationship with the government with legal methods
*How to implement a new EHS program while other EHS programs failed
Do you have the following questions?
*Whether your EHS knowledge is still valid
*Whether the effective EHS tools on the market are really suitable for us
If you have such confusions, struggles, or questions, then you need to attend this
seminar. This seminar developed specifically for EHS supervisor, concentrated the
consultant’s nearly 20 years of EHS management and consulting experiences, trying to teach some feasible simple and efficient technique, makes you to carry out work in the way of moving mountains with few resources, become a high efficient EHS supervisor.
Seminar introduction
This seminar is only applicable to personnel engaged in the work of EHS. This seminar focuses on teaching effective practical "skills" but not EHS "knowledge".
Forms of seminar
Through case introduction, exercises, case studies and group discussion. Some
practices need to use the computer; it is recommended to take a personal computer.
This seminar will help you achieve:
*Be a high efficient EHS supervisor
*Increase personal career value
Industries for this seminar:
*Metal Manufacturers
*Auto manufacturers
*IT manufacturers
*General manufacturing
In-House Training Solutions
If you have a number of delegates with similar training needs, then you may wish to consider having an In-House Training solution delivered locally on-site. Course can be
tailored to specific requirements.
Please contact Whitney Shen on +86 28 8532 7678 or email whitney.shen@martinlinking.net to discuss further possibilities.
Miya Sun
Martin Linking Business Consulting Company Limited
T: +86 25 8485 5633
F: +86 25 8485 5933