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IPB 2015 第十三届*国际粉体加工/散料输送展览会

发布时间:2015/7/16 15:28:46  点击次数:6996

  光衍射原理、动态图像分析、超声衰减原理以及光子交叉相关光谱法的粒度测试技术的开创,并在具有挑战性的粒度检测应用中拥有*的性能优势,对颗粒体系的研发、生产与质量控制提供*的粒度检测方案。今年,德国新帕泰克将会携其从实验室到工业在线全系列产品亮相2015 IPB展会现场,欢迎您莅临展位#1511。
IPB 2015为期三天的展会,将会成为一场粉体产业链上下游企业贸易洽谈、技术交流的饕餮盛宴。展会也将为来自各行各业的制造商和经销商交换信息提供非常有效和集中的专业平台,另各位大饱眼福。同时,我们也非常欢迎来自全*粉体加工和散料领域的*莅临展会,与展商共同探讨行业趋势和解决方案。


  IPB的主办方之一—*颗粒学会,是由*颗粒科学与技术领域内的科技工作者自愿结成的依法登记成立的全国性、非营利性、学术性的法人社会团体,是*科学技术协会的组成部分,是发展我国颗粒科学与技术的重要社会力量。协会于1986 年 9 月 18 日由*科学技术协会批准,于 1986 年 11 月 27 日在北京正式成立。成立大会的代表来自科研机构、高校和工业界。2004年与纽伦堡国际博览集团携手共同主办IPB,并成功举办了10届展会。

  纽伦堡国际博览集团是德国第六大展览公司,集团在纽伦堡及*各地成功举办的展览与会议多达170个。由IPB德国、日本、印度、*组成的IPB全球粉体加工博览会项目群是粉体行业发展推广先驱,国际粉体领域创新的推动者,全球粉体加工、散料输送工作者的交流平台。作为集团子公司,纽伦堡会展服务(上海)有限公司展览项目包括*国际有机食品博览会(BIOFACH CHINA)、*汽车工程学会年会暨展览会(SAECCE)、*国际粉体加工/散料输送展览会(IPB)、*国际压铸会议暨展览会(CHINA DIECASTING)等。




Early Access to New Products

Hosokawa Micron (Shanghai) Powder Machinery Co., Ltd is a branch company of Hosokawa Micron Cooperation in China. It is the only official sales office in China and was founded in 1997. The Hosokawa Micron Group is a leading global supplier of comprehensive ranges of equipment for the following sectors: powder and particle processing technology, blown film technology, nanoparticle technology, confectionary and bakery technology. We offer value-added material solutions and quickly respond to different customer needs. We challenge ourselves to solve your powder problems. Hosokawa Micron Group is a highly international cooperation. You can find our production factories where are in Japan, Germany (Hosokawa Alpine), the Netherlands (Hosokawa Micron B.V.) etc; while the sales offices are all around the world: Mexico, USA, Canada, Korea, Russia, France etc. Welcome to Hosokawa booth #A 1208.

Sympatec develops, manufactures, sells, services and supports an innovative range of best instruments for particle size and shape analysis in laboratory and process for customers worldwide. With continuous innovations in the technological fields of laser diffraction, dynamic image analysis, ultrasonic extinction and photon cross-correlation spectroscopy (PCCS), Sympatec makes a prominent contribution to the development, production and quality control of most challenging particulate systems. This year, Sympatec will show their full range of instruments (from laboratory to process) in 2015 IPB exhibition. Welcome to Sympatec booth #A 1511.

IPB 2015 will become an excellent communication and trading gathering for upstream and downstream enterprises in powder and bulk solids industry chain. IPB 2015 will also provide a professional platform to exchange information for manufactures and dealers. We warmly welcome all the exhibitors, visitors and experts from all around the world in powder and bulk solids industry to visit IPB. IPB 2015 will be a feast to your eyes.



For more Information, Please contact Ms Liu: Catherine.liu@nm-china.com.cn

Contact Telephone: +86(0)21.6036.1221

More information, please click: www.ipbexpo.com

About China Society of Particuology

China Society of Particuology is one of the organizers of IPB. The society, a constituent part of China Association for Science and Technology, is a legally registered national, non-profit, and academic corporate social group, which is voluntarily formed by workers in the field of China particuology and technology. The Society is established on 27 November, 1986, approved by China Association for Science and Technology on 18 September, 1986. Cooperating with NürnbergMesse group in 2004, IPB has successfully held for ten editions.

About NürnbergMesse China Co., Ltd.

NürnbergMesse is one of the 15 largest exhibition companies in the world and among the Top Ten in Europe, organizing more than 170 exhibitions and conferences every year around the world. IPB is a global powder and bulk solids exhibitions group, combining with Germany, Japan, USA, India and China. IPB is the pioneer in powder and bulk solidsindustry development, the pusher in international powder and bulk solids trade and the communication platform for global powder and bulk solids processing and conveying insiders. As the subsidiary, NürnbergMesse China Co. Ltd. holds exhibitions including China International Organic Food Expo (BIOFACH), SAE-China Congress & Exhibition (SAECCE), International Powder & Bulk Solids Processing Conference & Exhibition (IPB), International Diecasting Congress & Exhibition (CHINA DIECASTING) etc..

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