* 以参会者为中心,注重参会者的参与和互动;
* 以自己数十年的亲身感悟和积累的经验来贴合实际讲解,注重思路清晰,概念清楚,讲究结合实践,给与会者更多“干货”;
* 研讨会以重视“实战、实操、实效”为根本目的,这样才能学得会,回去后用得上;
* 介绍如何把做事和做人结合起来,使得做人和做事相得益彰--做人快乐,做事顺利。
单元一、设备维修管理基础(0.5 小时)
1、设备维修策略及考虑因素(1 小时);
2、设备维修管理的主要绩效指标和计算(1 小时);
3、 设备维修管理有效运作的框架与内容(4.5 小时);
4、设备润滑管理理念(1 小时);
5、 维修备件管理和优化(1 小时);
6、故障根本原因分析和解决(2 小时);
7、 简述维修的成本控制(1 小时);
单元三、维修人员的培养和绩效开发(2 小时)
单元四、如何做一个成功的维修管理者(2 小时)
* 制造企业生产/制造部经理、设备部经理、设备保养及维修工程师、维修主管、生产主管已经工厂的项目经理参加;
* 工艺、IE 工程师、生产技术主管、TPM 推进成员、精益改善活动成员等参加。
请联系 Whitney Shen 来讨论合作的可能:
电话:+86 28 8532 7678
Vickey Wang
Martin Linking Business Consulting Company Limited
T: +86 28 8532 7678
E: vickey.wang@linkingu.com
Equipment Maintenance Management
Best Practices
Shanghai, China
24th&25th November 2016
MARTIN LINKING is convening the Equipment Maintenance Management Best Practices on 24th&25th November 2016 in Shanghai.
Seminar Features:
Hard working, Smart Working and Team Working are the critical elements of maintenance organization. What is smart working? The answer could be approach given targets thru a systematically and structured management system, and which is deliverable of this training.
* Learner-centred, pay attention to the participation of delegates
* Use his personal feeling and experience to interpret realistic, pay attention to clear thinking, clear concept, and pay attention to combining with practice, to give the participants more "dry stuff"
* Regard “practical exercise, practical operating, true effect” as the fundamental purpose, to learn well and use after coming back
* Describes how to combine work and life, make life and work bring out the best in each other - to be happy, to do things well
Seminar Content:
Section 1、Maintenance management outline(1Hr)
1、The value of maintenance, and mission
2、Maintenance management system historical and diversity
Section 2、Maintenance Management System(7Hr)
1、Develop Maintenance Management Strategy
2、Maintenance KPI Definition and Calculation
3、Maintenance System Body
4、Equipment Lubrication Management
5、Spare Parts Management(1 HR)
6、Root Cause Analysis and Problem Solving(2 HR)
7、Brief Maintenance Cost Management(1 HR)
Section 3、Maintenance People Training and Development(2 HR)
Section 4、How to achieve success on the maintenance role(2 HR)
Section 5、Wrap Up
Who should attend?
* Production/manufacturing manager, equipment department manager, equipment maintenance and repair engineers, maintenance personnel and production supervisor of manufacturing enterprise;
* Process/IE engineer, technical supervisor, TPM members, lean improvement activities members.
In-House Training Solutions
If you have a number of delegates with similar training needs, then you may wish to consider having an In-House Training solution delivered locally on-site. Course can be tailored to specific requirements.
Please contact Whitney Shen on +86 28 8532 7678 or email whitney.shen@martinlinking.net to discuss further possibilities.
Vickey Wang
Martin Linking Business Consulting Company Limited
T: +86 28 8532 7678
E: vickey.wang@linkingu.com