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EHS 应急响应和危机管理

发布时间:2014/7/4 10:23:07  点击次数:3438



马汀令可公司将于2014828-29日在上海举办EHS 应急响应和危机管理的培训活动。






* 灾难/风险意识

* 基本应急响应的技巧和知识

* 基本的野外生存和救援的方法

* 灾难情况下的救援


* 常见的灾害危害及安全知识;

* 事件的处理原则

* 应急响应政策、策略、原则和优先考虑的问题

* 事故管理知识(应急预案、应急响应、事件管理系统)

* 应急响应相关设备和设施的实践

* 应急响应相关污染物清除

* 急救及心脏复苏术相关的实践;

* 应急响应相关的案例、模拟和演习



Jenny Fang

Martin Linking Business Consulting Company Limited

T: +86 25 8485 5633
F: +86 25 8485 5933

Email: jenny.fang@ulinking.com





EHS Emergency Response & Crisis Management

Shanghai, China

28th&29th August, 2014


Martin Linking is convening the EHS Emergency Response & Crisis Management on 28th&29th August, 2014 in Shanghai.


Course overview:

China is one of the most disaster-affected countries in the world; virtually every type of accident occurs every year with regular frequency. Experience tells us again and again of the urgent need for building an emergency response system and know the knowledge of emergency response that deal with accident encountered around us.


Course delivery:

Our courses are suitable for a wide range of people in the workplace and beyond, particularly for ESH members but also including the general public. This specific course we offer are highly relevant to such as industrial and mining which are exposed to a higher risk of hazard. At the time of a major incident (fires, earthquakes, chemical leak, etc.), personnel who have received this training are able to react in such a way as to minimize to the greatest possible extent any related damage, injuries and mortalities.


How you will benefit from the courses?

* Disaster/Hazard Awareness

* Basic emergency response skills and knowledge

* Basic Field Survival and rescue methodology

* Rescue in disaster situation


How you will learn from the courses?

* Common disaster hazards and safety knowledge

* Incident treatment principle

* Emergency response policy, strategy, principle and priority

* Accident Management knowledge (contingency plans, Emergency Response, Incident Management systems) and so on

* Emergency response related equipment and facility practice

* Emergency response related de-contamination

* First aid & CPR related practice

* Emergency response related cases scenario, table exercises and drills



Jenny Fang

Martin Linking Business Consulting Company Limited

T: +86 25 8485 5633
F: +86 25 8485 5933

Email: jenny.fang@ulinking.com


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